
Interested in Joining our Research Team?

The following are possible opportunities for Students without a Bachelor’s degree, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Trainees, and Staff.

Candidates at all levels are expected to plan on performing laboratory work for a minimum of two years.  While undergraduates are not expected to have experience, ideal candidates for all positions might have  experience in physiologic data acquisition, experience with signal analysis, or experience in programming.  However, candidates without such experience will still be considered based on their dedication and commitment to learning.

(current as of July 2022)

Undergraduate Students

(and other Trainees and Volunteers without a Bachelor’s degree)

Undergraduates seeking research experience should contact the Principal Investigator (Charles).  We have limited opportunities for students  who are interested in long-term opportunities, so Freshmen and Sophomores are strongly encouraged seek an experience.  (Students interested in short term (1 semester) opportunities must have specific skills, such as significant experience in research, physiologic data acquisition, programming or signal analysis using Matlab, or similar skills.)  We are especially interested in physics and engineering students or students with experience with signal or image analysis using Matlab.

Students are expected to dedicate 9 hours per week (the equivalent of 3 credit hours) to lab work, and do readings, etc outside of lab.  Lab hours should be scheduled with large blocks of time.

Opportunities for credit, including Wayne State PSL5010, are available.  Participants will be encouraged and guided to apply to fellowship programs, but pay should not be expected.  However, equity pay may be made available for students who cannot otherwise participate in this training.

Graduate Students

Mentoring for both Master’s and PhD students interested in cardiovascular physiology, muscle biomechanics, and muscle structure is available in lab.  See our Research page for an overview of some of our work.  Individuals who wish to join the lab as a graduate trainee in Physiology should contact the PI (Charles) and apply to the Wayne State University Department of Physiology Graduate Program.

Note: admissions decisions are made by the program, not the PI.

Postdoctoral Trainee

Opportunities for Postdoctoral training are available, which would include mentoring in research development, student advising, manuscript and grant writing, and career training.  Individuals with a PhD (or equivalent) who wish to join the lab team should contact the Principal Investigator (Charles).  Send a CV and a cover letter.

Note, we understand that an applicant is unlikely to have experience in some techniques (especially biomechanics techniques and theories), but it is important to convey what one does understand of our work.  Therefore, the cover letter should discuss what you can contribute to our studies and what our work would contribute to your career development.  You can do this by describing how your skills and/or research interests overlap with our recently published work or current research interests.


We have no listings for staff positions at this time.  However, persons interested in our research should study our various manuscripts and contact charles with a letter of interest.  The letter must clearly describe how their experiences and/or interests can benefit the lab and the potential staff member.