
About Us

The Integrative Muscle Physiology Laboratory (Chung Muscle Lab) is a research group in the Department of Physiology at the Wayne State University School of Medicine directed by Charles S Chung PhD.

Our Lab seeks to improve our understanding of striated  (heart and skeletal) muscle function.  We do so by integrating physiologic information from proteins up to the whole body.

Our Lab currently focuses our research on understanding heart structure and function in order to improve diagnosis and/or treatment of clinical problems like heart failure.

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The significance of p
The significance of p
After 20 years or so in research, I think that I am finally 95% sure that I understand the significance of p.  It is often said (as I have done) in many a Methods Section that a “p-...
Am I a fool for waiting?
Am I a fool for waiting?
On π day, I shared some science about the last paper I published as a part of my PhD.  Well, getting it published is a long story that gives some context into science writing.  The first...
Why I like π.
Why I like π.
...or why I dislike τ. ...or I should have called it πEk. This is a site for a physiology lab, and there is physiology later in this post! But, my undergraduate degree was a dual maj...

The Integrative Muscle Physiology (Chung Muscle) Lab is a research lab in the Department of Physiology at the Wayne State University School of Medicine.