The significance of p

After 20 years or so in research, I think that I am finally 95% sure that I understand the significance of p.  It is often said (as I have done) in many a Methods Section that a “p-value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant”.  I now think this is sloppy writing.  First an aside about the dangers of a threshold.   When p>0.05 there’s often several (bad) things we might do:  Such as really bad- I.e. p-hacking  Or sometimes useful and sometimes hilarious- I.e. playing fast and loose with our words (like these many examples:   But this all…
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Why I like π.

...or why I dislike τ. ...or I should have called it πEk. This is a site for a physiology lab, and there is physiology later in this post! But, my undergraduate degree was a dual major in physics and mathematics.  So, as an established nerd, I have a long history of using π.  ...or should I say 2π cause its #^@&’n everywhere in physics.  Now, there’s a trend in physics and math(s) that is trying to use τ as a short hand in lieu of 2π.  Here’s my short and sweet reason why I don't plan to use τ instead…
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